Paddock Management

Live Animal Entry

Recording the entry of animals as they enter paddocks, including scanning their passports or reading RFID tags on their earpieces, extracting data from the Ministry of Agriculture's Livestock Information System, paddock guidance, and scheduling slaughter times can all be managed by the system.

Live Animal Weighing

Performing live weight measurements of animals and seamlessly associating the weight data with animal information through automated RFID reading, ensuring accurate records. This capability facilitates precise yield calculations.

Ante-Mortem Examination

This module enables the legal veterinary inspection to be conducted in the paddocks prior to slaughter and, if necessary, directs the animal towards conditional processing. As a fully parametric module, each slaughterhouse can customize its record-keeping within legal frameworks. By using a handheld terminal, the veterinarian can quickly complete their procedures by accessing the animal's information on the screen. The system is designed to mark only problematic animals and record examination results, eliminating the need to input veterinary inspection records for all animals.

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